Neil Huffman Collision Center

What to Do After an Accident


Being in an automobile accident can be an extremely stressful event, even for the most careful and level-headed drivers. If you are in an accident, follow these helpful tips to move the process along as quickly as possible.

Address any injuries
Making sure you and your passengers are safe is the number one priority immediately following an accident. Call an ambulance if there is any doubt.

Move the vehicles
If the accident is minor, move the vehicles to a safe place away from traffic.

Note contact information for any witnesses
If there are witnesses to the accident, get their name, address and phone number.

Take notes of conditions
Using your smartphone, carefully take photos of the accident scene, recording the position of the vehicle from multiple angles. Note skid marks, traffic signs, right of way, road conditions and weather.

Assist law enforcement officers
Provide police and traffic officers with the information they need in a timely manner. Be polite.

File a claim with your insurance company
Most major insurance companies have smartphone apps that will allow you to contact them directly immediately after an accident. An alternative is using the toll-free number on the back of your insurance card and call the company. Either way, notifying your insurance company as soon as possible will save time in the long run. Read more about insurance claims.

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